AI & Data Science Tech Blog

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning Platforms 2021 Made Simple
Want to know who Gartner thinks are the top AI companies in 2021, and why? Estevan McCalley & Ken Sanford break down Gartner's 46-page report for you in less than 5 minutes (and try to entertain you along the way 😀). Here's what you need to know!

Feature Store: Uncover Uber's Secret to Large Scale Machine Learning
Most data science projects never make it to production. Fortunately, you can now easily deploy machine learning models like Uber. Here's what you need to know.

Machine Learning is Like a Baby
Ever wonder what machine learning is? Estevan McCalley simplifies machine learning with 3 key similarities and 3 important differences between babies and machine learning.